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own. Being brave enough to burst out of her shell and fighting Lucretia. Suddenly being free became
more important to her than the scars she still believed she had on her face.
 My God, she s crazier than I thought. It must have started the minute she put me in the
basement. Julita was three. He looked back at Julita.  Did it start then, sweetheart?
Julita shrugged.  I guess. It s just always been that way. Way back as far as I can remember.
She had just opened her mouth to take another bite of chicken when she happened to look up at Shadoe
and saw him staring at her. She suddenly became aware of how she must look. Quickly dropping the
chicken, she looked at her hands and felt of her face, feeling crumbs and cooking oil. Wanting the floor
to swallow her up, she wiped her hands on her dress and lowered her eyes.  What is it? she managed
when he kept staring.
Shadoe leaned toward her and took her arm.  Come with me. He led her to the sink, picked
up a wash rag and saturated it with soap and water.
 No, she said, struggling with him when he took her face in his hands.
 Julita, please. I just want to show you how beautiful you are. I m not going to hurt you.
She shook her head and recoiled, afraid.
 Julita.... Shadoe urged, then looked at her father.  Garret, tell her.
 Julita, baby, Garret said while looking at her with a gleam of love in his eyes.  You can
trust Shadoe. He s here to help us.
Her eyes burned into his.  You want me to Papa?
 Yes, baby, I do. He saw her reluctance.  I wouldn t tell you to do something that would hurt
you, sweetheart. You know that, don t you?
 Yes, Papa, she answered. He had to be telling her the truth, she reasoned with herself. She
could see it in his eyes. Slowly she forced herself to turn toward Shadoe, looked down at the dripping
cloth, then murmured,  Okay.
Shadoe approached her slowly, careful not to frighten her. He wanted to kiss away her fear,
take care of her, but after a lifetime of abuse, she was fragile. Being very careful, he cupped her face in
one hand while he rubbed with the other. Several minutes passed, and when her face was finally clean
of the macabre drawings, it was like the sun just came out from behind a dark cloud. Large, violet eyes,
lips that were full, pink and pillowed into the sweetest softness he had ever seen. Dark, sooty lashes
with a tilt to the corners of her eyes that could have convinced him that they held all the mysterious
secrets of the Far East. Her lids were lazy, and her brows fanned up into an intriguing arch, making her
face hers alone & not like millions of other women. Shadoe had felt all along that she was different,
and she was & in her own way. Her creamy, heart-shaped face went well with her red-gold hair that
tumbled around her face, the last few riotous hours pulling it out of a rubber band at her nape. He
wanted to kiss the loveliness, the innocence, but instead, slowly turned her to the dingy mirror. She
stared, but her face was shadowed and indistinct. It seemed to get lost within the gloom of the room
and the dark patches where the silver backing had worn off. Realizing the problem, Shadoe quickly
plunged his hand in his pocket and retrieved a lighter, then placed it near her face and struck it. The
flame revealed a perfect face. No scars & nothing.
 I can t believe it, she whispered, while lifting a hand to her face and feeling around on it.
 Am I pretty? she asked while still mesmerized by her reflection.
 No, Shadoe said. She turned, looking at him with fear in her eyes, but smiled when he
continued, saying,  you re beautiful.
She turned back and looked at her hair. Reaching up, she pulled at the rubber band and
allowed it to fall into a bouncing, red-gold, glossy curtain that hung well below her shoulders, reaching
her waist.  Look, my hair, it s & what color is it?
 A beautiful reddish blonde, Shadoe answered while looking into the mirror where her face
was framed. He looked back at Garret.  She seems to be in love with that mirror. I think we might have
started something here.
 So what? he said with a grumpy voice.  She deserves to know she s beautiful.
Julita was still staring at herself, her violet eyes luminous and bright, and her creamy skin
perfect. She turned to Shadoe.  She told me I was ugly & that I had big, ugly, puckering scars on my
face. She frowned as the painful memories returned.  And & and I believed her. She looked back up
at Shadoe.  She said an animal scratched my face when I was a child& .
 She scratched you face! Garret roared.  She was the rotten, low-down animal that got in
your cradle. Did you know that? Did she tell you that? And then she threw me off the balcony! Garret
lowered his head, trying to get him temper under control.  How God could let a woman like that exist
in this world is a mystery to me!
 I m sorry, Papa, Julita said, kneeling before her father s knees.
Garret sobbed.  It isn t your fault, baby. I m sorry I yelled. Then he looked up at Shadoe.  I
can blame a lot on Lucretia, God knows she s evil, but it s my fault as well. I made no secret of the fact
that I hated her. Hell, I could hardly stand the sight of her, but I needed her. She helped in the inn, took
care of both Julita and me. For a seventeen-year-old, that s a pretty full plate. And then Lucretia told
me that my consultation with the doctor fell through.
 Why the hell didn t you follow up on that? Shadoe asked.  You must have known you
couldn t trust Lucretia.
 I & hell I don t know. Something happened to me. Lucretia was feeding me good then& .
He hesitated, looked up at Shadoe as he realized the truth.  My God, I ll bet she was treating my food.
Never in my life have I given in to depression. I ve always been strong & come out fighting, but hell I
just gave up and Lucretia took over. I ll be damned, he muttered.  Julita was only a baby& . Garret
continued, telling Shadoe the whole story of the night he fell, and the three years following. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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