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household. It was nearly destroyed by mildew and he was charged with restoring the
manuscript. He knows more about the history of the Pendragons than any person alive.
Edwin likely believes Brother Leland is privy to all the secrets of the legend. He may
even believe Leland can solve the riddle.
Tears of the Dragon
 I find it surprising that you aren t more interested in the riddle. He stroked the
high curve of her cheek with his thumb, unable to keep from touching her.
 I never said I wasn t interested in the riddle. I said it s the one aspect of the legend
that has no basis in fact. Turned into his caress, she lowered her lashes. A slow,
churning heat washed over him.  Lady Fiona is real. Her marriage to Tyrus is well
 And according to historical fact, what happened to her?
She released her sleeves and placed her hands on his chest. It was such a simple
gesture, but Dominic s entire body came alive. His heart hammered, his skin tingled, his
respiration raced.
 She disappeared shortly after she found Lord Tyrus with his lover or lovers by
some accounts. His reputation for infidelity is as well documented as their marriage.
Dominic chuckled and lightly placed his hands on her hips. Slowly. Gently.  After
her disappearance, what became of Tyrus?
 He went mad. He became a recluse in this very monastery. When he took his own
life in one of the cells, the other monks declared the monastery desecrated and
abandoned it.
 And all this can be proven?
 If written history is to be believed. She stared up at him, her eyes wide and
luminous.  I suppose historians can record falsehoods as well as fact. But the author of
the journal had no reason to lie.
Silence descended. Dominic wanted nothing more than to kiss her, to end the
conversation, and avoid another conflict. But she must understand the foolishness of
her actions. He must have her vow not to intentionally put herself in harm s way.
Or they could talk after&
 If you were dead, Edwin would inherit Pendragon Castle.
She averted her gaze with a stiff nod.  I know. But Edwin doesn t want me dead.
Thora insists he s terrified of the curse, and I tend to believe her. Edwin could have
killed me long ago if that was his want.
 The curse may have kept you alive thus far, but that could change in an instant. He
wants Pendragon and he won t stop until he has it.
 Or until he is dead. She glanced up at him.
 Is that an invitation?
 Would you kill Edwin if I asked it of you? She searched his gaze, waiting for his
 Not without provocation. I m not a murderer. But should he be foolish enough to
attempt you harm, I ll not hesitate to take his life.
 I don t think Edwin is desperate enough to kill me just yet. Besides, he s the only
one to directly benefit from my death, so suspicion would immediately fall upon him.
Cyndi Friberg
 I agree, and William Marshal is well aware of that fact. But accidents can be
arranged. The world is filled with criminals who would turn a robbery into a murder
and then slink away into the night.
 You are such a comfort to me. Pushing away from him, she dislodged his hands.
She snatched one of the candles from the floor in the monk s cell and moved deeper into
the outer room.
 It s not my intention to frighten you. His boot heels rang against the stone floor.
 But you must understand that the danger is real. Coming here alone, going anywhere
alone, is a luxury you can no longer afford. You must be on your guard, and you must
do as I say if I m to protect you.
 I m not helpless. I can protect myself.
 Nay, you cannot. Not against Edwin. And I cannot protect you from him if you
continue to be reckless. Don t leave the castle unescorted. Let me know where you re
going if you venture beyond the castle walls. Are we agreed?
She set the candle on the mantel and turned to face him.  I m tired of being afraid.
I m just beginning to feel secure, and you re asking me to become a prisoner in my own
 That s not what I m asking. I m asking that you take certain measures to ensure
your safety.
She squared her shoulders and glared into his eyes.  I suppose I must do as you
say. After all, you are the captain of my private guard.
He moved slowly, never breaking contact with her gaze.  I m more than that, and
we both know it.
 I know what you think you are. I know what you want to be. But there is no place
in my life for you.
She faced him squarely, her expression defiant. If he pushed, she d push back.
Under the bluster he sensed her fear. She fought his authority, rebelled against control,
but how would she battle tenderness?
 No place in your life for a friend, a lover? He ran the backs of his fingers across
her cheek.  That s what I want to be. You have been alone for so long, Rowena. Why 
 You want more than that, Sir Liar. She twisted away, her voice choked and
He caught her arm and drew her toward him.  You re not ready to give me what I
 I m not willing to give you what you want.
Possessive desire expanded within Dominic and he smiled.  You will be.
He wrapped her in his arms, trapping her against his chest. She immediately arched
her back and shoved with her hands. This only ground her pelvis against his hardening
 I will not wed with you, she cried.  I will not 
Tears of the Dragon
 I ve not asked you to wed with me. Holding her tightly with one arm, he cupped
her face with his other hand. Fierce desire clawed through his determination to go
slowly. He wanted her now. He needed to be inside her so badly he shook.  I want you
in my arms, Rowena. I want to feel the pleasure we shared before. Not just for one
night. I want to be your lover.
She went perfectly still, her breathing the only movement in her body. Her wide
green eyes spoke to him, revealing far more than she realized. He saw her desire, but it
was not just passion burning within her gaze. She wanted him.
 You want to be my husband. Fear flared through the passion. It was all there in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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