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okay because Mason was with him and there was nothing either of them could do about it.
Why couldn t he enjoy it a little?
He yawned and stretched, stroking a hand down Mason s back and loving the little mewling
sounds Mason made. Feeling bold, he kissed Mason s forehead, and his bedmate s eyelids
fluttered open.
 Huh? Mason blinked a few times, slowly looking up.  Oh. Oh, mmm. And Mason nuzzled
back down, nestling right under Ben s armpit.
 Hey, hey, Ben murmured, pulling Mason s hair gently.  I ve got to get up and go to work.
 No, Mason mumbled.  Stay.
Ben wanted to, he really wanted to, but his father would kill him if he was even one second
late to work.  Mason, you make it really hard.
Mason snickered.
 To go anywhere! Ben blushed.  Well, you know. That too.
 Stay and take care of me, Mason whined softly.  I m pathetic.
 You really are. Ben shook his head, swinging away from Mason s heat with great effort.
 Hey, you text me today if you need anything. I m serious, anything.
 Sex? Mason cracked an eye open.
Ben cringed.  Ugh& 
 Come back soon, Mason murmured, curling up and shutting his eyes again.
Ben stared for a few moments and then, with even greater effort, turned to go take a shower,
get dressed, and go to work.
He d never found it so difficult to leave someone before. What was up with that?
Ben checked his phone for the hundredth time that day. No messages. He grabbed his jacket
and headed toward the elevator.
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 Hey man, wait up! Lucas called, jogging after him. They stepped into the elevator together,
and Lucas grinned.  Where the hell have you been?
 Busy... with stuff, Ben said, checking his phone again. Still no messages.
 Oh yeah? Lucas asked, his grin widening.  Would that stuff involve Mason?
Ben s neck heated up, and Lucas laughed.  He sprained his ankle. I had to, uh, take care of
him, Ben said.
Lucas raised an eyebrow and then clapped Ben on the back so hard that he nearly fell forward
into the doors.  Laura said Mason seemed happier. Good on you, man.
The door dinged open, and Ben tried to rush out, but Lucas stopped him. He hit the button to
close the door and then sent them back up to the top floor again.  Nah ah, Lucas said,
waggling his finger.  Spill it all.
 You spill it all, Ben said back, rather childishly.  How the hell does Laura know what s
going on? And what s going on with you and Laura?
 Don t change the subject, Lucas said.
 Fuck, Ben moaned.  There s nothing to spill. I m... watching out for the kid.
 And where are you planning on going now?
Ben tugged at the collar of his shirt.  Home.
 To check on him?
Lucas smacked him on the back again.
 He can barely move on his own! Ben said in defense.  It s nothing.
 It s everything, Lucas said back in a sing song voice. The door dinged open, and Lucas
stepped out.  See you later, loverboy.
Ben flipped him off as the door closed.
 Oh... great, he moaned, and then jumped about a foot as his phone vibrated strongly in his
pocket. He opened it quickly, smiling to see that it was a message from Mason. His smile,
however, didn t last long.
thank u for all uve done 4me. rlly. i wont forget it - m
 Why does that sound like a goodbye? Ben said aloud. The elevator stopped at the fifth
floor, and Ben had to force himself to not swear up a storm as a bunch of businessmen slowly
walked in. More and more suits piled into the cramped quarters, and Ben looked down at the
Unholy Matrimony - 86
message on his phone, frowning. The door was about to close when someone stopped it,
calling down the hallway as more men made their way toward the elevator.
Ben tapped his foot impatiently. What did that message mean? Did something happen? Did
Mason leave?
 Fuck this! Ben yelled, shoving a portly business man aside. He briefly recognized the man
as the vice president of his father s company. He didn t care. He nearly tripped as he forced
his way out of the elevator, people yelling after him.
He hopped out and tore down the hall to the stairwell.
Ben burst through his front door, out of breath. He d run up fifteen flights of stairs, not
patient enough to wait for the elevator to come to him. He dropped his keys and briefcase to
the floor and tugged off his necktie, discarding it over a chair.
 Mason? he called out into the dim apartment.  Mason, are you okay? Where are you?
Ben s eyes landed on the counter and sitting on that counter were two things.
Mason s key and Mason s cell phone.
Ben stared at the items, bewildered.  What& ? He picked up the phone and flipped it open.
There were five unread text messages, all from his own phone.  Shit.
He set down the phone and rushed into the living room.  Mason? Where the fuck are you?
He let out a strangled noise of frustration and ran up the stairs to his room.  Mason?
All that greeted him was an unmade bed, his pants from the night before in a heap on the
floor, and one of Mason s damn pink socks in the sheets. He backed up and crossed the hall
to the guest room. His eyes lit up; Mason s shoulder bag was sitting on the ground, but his
suitcase was gone.
 Fuck, fuck, Ben groaned, crouching down in front of the white leather shoulder bag.  Fuck,
The brilliant photo of Mason and him stuck out of the bag, and Ben pulled it out, frowning. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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