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free woman, sold at Two Scimitars, with Zina, the traitress. It was difficult now to
see in this lascivious, delicious slave, who seemed born to the collar, the proud
free woman whom Hassan had earlier captured, and who had been later sold at the
Bakah oasis of Two Scimitars. Some Goreans maintain that all women are born to
the collar, and require only to find that man strong enough to put it on them.
I tried to pull away, but was held.  Tafa loves you, she whispered.  Let Tafa give
you pleasure. I felt the lips of another girl at my leg and waist.
The men, veiled, observed complacently.
Again the man on the dais clapped his hands. Before us now on the tiles, in the
basic position of the slave dance, too, her hands lifted over her head, wrists back
to back, stood a chained girl.
Hassan s eyes were hard.
It was Alyena.
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10 Tribesmen of Gor
 Do you remember this one? asked the veiled man, of Hassan.
 Yes, said Hassan.
 This is that of which, said the man,  I spoke earlier. This is that in which I was
once interested. This is that which you once took from me. This is the trifle, the
bauble. I have now recovered it.
Alyena trembled under the eyes of Hassan. She wore graceful, golden chains.
 It was recovered, he said,  in the vicinity of Red Rock.
There were tears in Alyena s eyes. She stood in the position of the slave
dance, a girl waiting to be commanded to please men.
 She was with several men, said the man on the dais.  They fought well,
with skill and savagery, and broke through to the desert beyond Red Rock.
How was it then, I wondered, that lovely Alyena stood here, on these tiles,
 Then, most peculiarly, said the man,  when apparently safe, escaped with her
escort, she, suddenly, turned her kaiila about, returning, fleeing back to Red
The oasis, or much of it, I knew, would have been in flames at that time.
 She was, of course, almost immediately captured, said the man.
 She was crying the name  Hasan .
I could see that this did not please Hassan at all. His will had been disobeyed.
Further, I recalled that the girl had, in Red Rock, under stress, cried his name,
speaking it, though she was only a girl in bondage.
 I love you, master, cried the girl.  I wanted to be with you! At your side!
 You are a runaway slave girl, he said.
She wept, but did not break the position of the slave dance.  Too, said he,  at the
oasis you cried my name. These were serious offenses.
 Forgive me, Master, she cried.  I love you! She had risked her life to return to
Hassan. She loved him. Yet a slave girl owes her master absolute obedience. She
had violated his will in two particulars. I did not think it would go easily with her.
Love on Gor does not purchase a girl lenience; it does not mitigate her bondage,
nor compromise her servitude, but rather renders it the more complete, the more
helpless and abject.
 Master, wept the girl.
What a beautiful piece of slave flesh Alyena was, so vulnerable, so feminine, but
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10 Tribesmen of Gor
how could she have been otherwise when owned by Gorean men? The man on the
dais languidly lifted his finger. The musicians readied themselves. Alyena looked
upon Hassan, agonized.
 What shall I do, Master? she begged. She wore a golden metal dancing collar
about her throat, golden chains looped from her wrists, gracefully to the collar
ring, then fell to her ankles; there are varieties of Tahari dancing chains; she wore
the oval and collar; briefly, in readying a girl, after she has been belled and silked,
and bangled, and has been made up, and touched with slave perfume, she kneels,
head down in a large oval of light gleaming chain, extending her wrists before her;
fastened at the sides of the top of the oval are two wrist rings, at the sides of the
lower loop of the oval two ankle rings; the oval is then pulled inward and the wrist
and ankle rings fastened on the slave; her throat is then locked in the dancing
collar, which has, under the chin, an open snap ring: with the left hand the oval is
then gathered together, so the two strands of chain lie in the palm of the left hand,
whence, lifted, they are placed inside the snap ring, which is then snapped shut,
and locked; the two strands of chain flow freely in the snap ring; accordingly,
though the girl s wrists and ankles are fastened at generous, though inflexible
limits from one another, usually about a yard for the wrists and about eighteen
inches for the ankles, much of the chain may be played through, and back through,
the collar ring; this permits a skillful girl a great deal of beautiful chain work: the
oval and collar is traditional in the Tahari; it enhances a girl s beauty; it interferes
little with her dance, though it imposes subtle, sensuous limits upon it; a good
dancer uses these limits, exploiting them deliciously; for example, she may extend
a wrist, subtly holding the chain at her waist with her other hand; the chain slides
through the ring, yet short of the expected movement; the chain stops her wrist;
her wrist rebels, but is helpless; it must yield; her head falls; she is a chained slave
 Master, what shall I do? begged Alyena. How beautiful she was.
All eyes were upon her. Aside from her jewelries, her bells, the oval and collar,
the cosmetics, the heady slave perfume, she wore six ribbons of silk, yellow, three
before and three behind, some four feet in length, depending from her collar. I had
always admired her brand. It was deep and delicate, and beautifully done.
 Master! cried Alyena.
The finger of the man on the dais, he veiled in red, prepared to fall.
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10 Tribesmen of Gor
 Dance, Slave, said Hassan. The man s finger fell languidly, the musicians began
to play. Alyena, before us, in the chains of the Tahari, danced. She was a
most beautiful trifle, a most lovely bauble.
We feasted late, and were much pleased by the beauties of the Salt Ubar.
Finally, he said,  It is late. And you must retire, for you must rise before dawn.
Hours before, Alyena had been dismissed from the audience chamber of the Guard
of the Dunes, the Salt Ubar.
 Take her to the guard room, he said.  There let her give pleasure to the men.
Alyena, still in her chains, was pulled by the hair from the room.
 You veil yourself in the manner of the Char, I said,  but I do not think you of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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