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Birch: The first tree to grow on bare soil represents the rebirth of the forest. The
inner bark of the tree provides a pain reliever that is used to treat
arthritis. Represents protection, purification and new beginnings. Useful in
speels involving structure support sheilding warding and cleansing.
Blackthorn: A winter tree representing unexpected change, realization that you
and your life have changed radically, enter life reborn.
Cedar: Prosperity and longevity. Used to repulse energies. Best if used to drive of
negative energies.
Cypress: A sad tree, A tree of mourning, often used to build funeral pyres.
Dogwood: Charm and finesse. Used to enhance one s social abilities and increase
personality. The flower is good to cleanse wounds.
Eldar: Represents the end in the beginning and the beginning in the end.
Elm: Protection often planted in tainted areas to warn off others.
Fig: Symbol of fertility, strength, energy and health.
Fir: Symbolizes malleability, cleverness and ability to change.
Hawthorn: Hottest fires.A symbol of strife and harshness, tool for protection, Its
energies will work for defense, use to disspell energies, excellent for
banishing strife.
Hazel: Divination marriage and protection. Skills in poetry divination and
meditation, inspires others.
Hazelnut: Symbolizes attraction, loss of inhibition or will power or drowsiness.
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Heather: Listen to your bodies message.
Hemlock: Do not use.
Holly: Symbolizes a challenges of the will to be overcome with unity and
concerted effort. Sometimes symbolizes combat and defense often used
has symbol of life.
Honey suckle: Pursue your desire, allow yourself to experience pleasure.
Ivy: Represents your links with others, the search for ones inter self.
Lemon: Divination and healing.
Lime: Chastity and neutrality.
Juniper: Protection
Maple: Divination and love. happy tree, luring, drawing in bringing together.
Mulberry: Knowledge divination, wisdom and the will.
Oak: Healing strength and money. King of the forest grows slowly, the
doorway to mysteries. Symbol of widow and strength and endurance,
good for storing and conduction power. used in spells involving
authority, majesty, power strength wisdom and endurance.
Olive: Peace, fruitfulness, security and money.
Orange: Love and marriage.
Palm: Strength.
Peach: Love, divination.
Pine: Purification health, fortune fertility and prosperity.
Reed: Symbolic of music.
Rowan: Protection and strength. An aid and protection against enchantment.
Sequia: Symbolize eternity longevity and vast wisdom.
Silver Fir: What you seek shall be found.
Spruce: Symbolize north and cold.
Sycamore: Symbolize growth and persistence. North American holy tree.
Vine: Release of prophetic powers.
Walnut: Healing and protection.
White popular: The challenge you face will be endured and conquered with
Willow: Healing protection from enchantment, wishing and easy delivery of
babies. This tree is strongly linked to lunar rhythms and feminine
aspects. Ability to banish depression and sadness. The bark contains
salicin used to treat rheumatic fever and various damp diseases.
Yew: Symbolizes death and rebirth, transformation, great age and
reincarnation, good shield. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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