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crews would face. I learned some of the details from a Navy flight What would happen?
surgeon with whom I had talked about take-off problems. I said I hadn t thought it out.
They re a lot further than that he told me. Down at The Randolph Field lab can tell you, he said. The coffee
Randolph Field, the Aero-Medical research lab has run into some would stay right there in the air. So would the cup, if you let go
mighty queer things. Ever hear of dead distance ? of it. But there s a more serious angle--your breath.
No, that s a new one. You d have artificial air, I began.
Well, it sounds crazy, but they ve figured out that a space Yes, they ve already worked that out. But what about the
ship would be going faster than anyone could think. breath you exhale? It contains carbon dioxide, and if you let it
But you think instantaneously, I objected. stay right there in front of your face you d be sucking it back into
Oh, no. It takes a fraction of a second, even for the fastest your lungs. After a while, it would asphyxiate you. So the air has
thinker. Let s say the ship was making a hundred miles a second to be kept in motion, and besides that the ventilating system has
and that s slow compared with what they expect eventually. to remove the carbon dioxide.
Everything would happen faster than your nerve impulses could What about eating? I asked. Swallowing is partly gravity,
register it. Your comprehension would always be lagging a split isn t it?
second behind the space ship s operation. He nodded. Same as drinking, though the throat muscles
I don t see why that s so serious, I said. help force the food down. I don t know the answer to that. In
Suppose radar or some other device warned you a meteorite fact, everything about the human body presents a problem. Take
was coming toward you head-on. Or maybe some instrument the blood circulation. The amount of energy required to pump
indicated an error in navigation. By the time your mind registered blood through the veins would be almost negligible. What would
the thought, the situation would have changed. that do to your heart?
Then all the controls would have to be automatic, I said. I I couldn t even guess, I said.
told him that I had heard about plans for avoiding meteorites. Well, that s all the Aero-Medical lab can do guess at it.
Electronic controls would be faster than thought. They ve been trying to work out some way of duplicating the
effect of zero gravity, but there s just no answer. If you could build To make sure I had the details right, I checked on the Air
a machine to neutralize gravity, you could get all the answers, Force research. I found that the Randolph Field laboratory is
except to the dead distance question. working on all these problems, and many more. Although plans
For instance, there s the matter of whether the human body arc not far enough advanced to make it certain, probably animals
would even function without gravity. All down through the stages will be sent up in research rockets to determine the effect of no
of evolution, man s organs have been used to that downward pull. gravity before any human beings make such flights. The results
Take away gravity, and your whole body might stop working. could be televised back to the earth.
Some of the Aero-Medical men I ve talked with don t believe All through my check-up on space exploration plans, one thing
that, but they admit that long trips outside of gravity might have struck me: I met no resistance. There was no official reticence
odd effects. about the program; on the contrary, nothing about it seemed
Then there s the question of orientation. Here on earth, secret. Even though it was peacetime, this was a little curious,
orienting yourself depends on the feeling you get from the pull because of the potential war value of an earth satellite vehicle.
of gravity, plus your vision. just being blindfolded is enough to Even if the Nazi scheme for destruction proved just a dream, an
disorient some people. Taking away the pull of gravity might be orbiting space base could be used for other purposes. In its two-
a lot worse. And of course out in space your only reference points hour swing around the earth, practically all of the globe could
would be distant stars and planets. We ve been used to locating be observed-directly, by powerful telescopes, or indirectly, by a
stars from points on the earth, where we know their position. But combination of radar and television. Long-range missiles could
how about locating them from out in space, with a ship moving be guided to targets, after being launched from some point on
at great speed? Inside the space ship, it would be something like the earth. As the missiles climbed high into the stratosphere, the
being in a submarine. Probably only the pilot compartment satellite s radar could pick them up and keep them on course by
would have glass ports, and those would be covered except in remote control.
landing--maybe even then. Outside vision might be by television, There were other possibilities for both attack and defense.
so you couldn t break a glass port and let out your pressure. Ordinarily, projects with wartime value are kept under wraps, or
But to go back to the submarine idea. It would be like a at least not widely publicized. Of course, the explanation might
sub, with this big difference: In the submarine you can generally be very simple: The completion of the satellite vehicle was so
tell which way is down, except maybe in a crash dive when you remote that there seemed no need for secrecy. But in that case,
may lose your equilibrium for a moment. But in the space ship, why had the program been announced at all?
you could be standing with your feet on one spot, and another If the purpose had been propaganda, it looked like a weak
crewman might be relative to you standing upside down. gesture. The Soviets would not be greatly worried by a dream
You might be floating horizontally, the other man vertically. The weapon forty or fifty years off. Besides that, the Pentagon, as a rule,
more you think about it, the crazier it gets. But they ve got to doesn t go for such propaganda. There was only one conventional
solve all those problems before we can tackle space. answer that made any sense. If we had heard that the Soviets
were about to announce such a program, as a propaganda trick,
it would be smart to beat them to it. But I had no proof of, any
such Russian intention.
The date on Secretary Forrestal s co-ordination announcement
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