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worry about the details. They always clear up with practice. Also try visualizing different places
that you go to in your present. If you work somewhere, imagine that you are at work. If you are a
student, imagine sitting in your seat listening to a lecture.
At first you don't really see the image with your physical eyes. It's in your mind, your
imagination. That is why you can be visualizing a place and yet your physical eyes just see the
'black' of the insides of your eye lids. Your ability to visualize gets better with practice so don't
try to rush it. You can still influence erotically without 100% perfect inner vision! You just have
to become creative in your work. If you have a hard time imagining something on a seeing level,
then try to focus in on one object instead of in a big surrounding like an office environment or at
a ball game. It's important to remember that you want to achieve the feeling like it is really
happening. You won't be good at this at first but you can trick your mind to believe this though.
Here's how to become creative to make up for lack of experience. Actually, when you get
experienced at this you increase the following techniques to become more creative than what I
mention here.
Trick your mind by keeping a slight little grin on your face and the thought in your head that this
skill is so easy to do and that what you are imagining is as real as your outside world. When you
get good at this stuff and your powers to influence have been developed, this grin will happen
naturally because you will be so happy that you have this great ability. You can also trick your
mind by incorporating the use of your other senses like smell, touch, taste and emotion. If you
imagine that you are in a beautiful place, don't just see it ... smell it, touch it, taste it (if you
want), hear it and feel it emotionally. It won't be 100% vivid, but the mind will have enough to
work with. If you imagine that you are at work, feel your workplace (wall, desk, doors, etc),
smell the air (photocopier solution, smelly co-worker, etc) and imagine the emotion or the
feeling that you have at work. By creating in your mind's eye the feeling of actually doing or
being somewhere, your unaware mind goes to work and molds this reality in your life. If you see
in your mind that your boss fired you, you won't get fired the next day. If you kept up with it
though, sooner or later you would get canned.
Practice like crazy with this visualizing and you will get the hang of it in a couple weeks. Of
course after years of doing this, your skill will be much different than now, but you only need a
couple of weeks to get comfortable with this and used to the idea of adding this aspect of
visualizing to your life. Your mental work will go to work immediately at your first time
visualizing but getting into a new habit is something that needs at least a week to implement. It's
like exercising. Your first time produces results; your body is getting a workout or your muscles
are working. But after doing exercises for a couple weeks, you will have gotten into the habit of
doing it. You will be getting used to it. Once you allow yourself to get used to doing mind power
work (no matter how basic at first) you will become more involved in it and more motivated to
do it. How many times have you set a goal for yourself and then after a month goes by you say to
yourself 'look what I could have gotten accomplished if I did a little bit everyday.'? Don't put this
mind power work aside for a "better time". After 2 weeks of practicing you'll be more ahead than
now and after 2 months you'll be way ahead from now. If you can't motivate yourself then you
are out of luck and you will let this skill to the other people who read this book.
I suggest that you do at least 3 times a day for 15 minutes each of visualizing. If you want to do
more, then you will develop more quickly. If you want to do less, then you will develop slowly.
Here's what I want you to do (but of course you can do what you want). Spend the first 5 minutes
of your visualizing getting yourself used to the visualizing 'session' and then the rest of the time
doing the mind power seduction. This initial practice time is when you imagine yourself
somewhere where you are used to or remembering some event in the past. Or this is where you
can imagine focusing on an object and imagining it with all your senses. You can imagine maybe
a dog sitting beside you. You reach out and feel its fur as you pet it. You smell its fur and
wonder why dogs always have that wet dog smell. Don't taste the dog but feel with all your
senses the dog being beside you. You could even imagine walking the dog. Maybe you want to
imagine an orange on a table in front of you. You pick it up and peel it. It squirts its juice in your
face and then you eat it once it's peeled (don't forget to imagine spitting out the seeds). Then
imagine letting a cat smell the orange peel and run away with a sour face. You can even imagine
this book in your mind. Put it on your mind created table and feel yourself pick it up and flip
through it. The symbol on the outside of the book is a radionic transfer symbols charged with a
certain purpose (we ll mention radionics later). If you incorporate this book into your
visualizing, the symbols on the outside will be helping you! It's really up to you what you
visualize during this first 5 minute period. If you set aside 1/2 hour, 3 times a day then spend the
first little while doing this visualizing training and development. Of course to become a master at
any artform, you need to practice. Practice is what people like to do the most. That is why there
are so few Masters out there and tons of average folks without great mental skills.
When you get a better feeling for this practice visualizing you can become more active in your
visualizing rather than just imagining something more passively. Make something happen. If you
remember something in the past, make something happen like a car coming through the building
you are in. Imagine the lights going out or imagine the people around you are instantly wearing
the same color clothing. If you are practicing with objects, grab an object and take it with you
somewhere. Bring an object into a past memory or a present place. If you used the orange, then
throw one of those orange peels at the blackboard in your class or imagine putting the whole
unpeeled orange under a car tire watching it go splat! In your mind's eye, become more creative
each time. Creativity is the best and most important way to get really good at this stuff. You may
develop a great skill at seeing something as if it was real, but if you are not creative then you
won't be able to expand your visualizing. Get as creative as you can be but implement this after
about a week of simple practicing.
The main reason why most people can't get the hang of it is that they give themselves too little
time. 15 minutes 3 times a day is just a minimal guideline. Of course, when you get good you
can throw this out the door. Then you can do how much, however long, whenever you want,
because your mind is trained. But for starters, stick to this minimal (and you might find that this
is not long enough). It might just take you 15 minutes to get your mind and body relaxed enough
so your imagination can get in gear. 3 times a day is more important than 15 minutes each time.
If you do 15 minutes the first 2 times and then 45 minute the third (probably in the evening) then [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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