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of one floated about horizontally, while the other was upright
and quite active.
He had also seen Etheric forms which were present
watching the operating technique, their astral cords drifting
about like silvery curls of smoke.
The dentist's chair seems frequently to have provided a
stepping-off place for the Double.
Charles Richet supplies one such instance sent to him by
his friend, M. L. L. Hymans, in June, 1925.
His first experience of projection was while under
chloroform in the dentist s chair. He suddenly found himself
out of the body, floating near the ceiling, whence he observed
with a detached interest the entire proceedings, regaining his
body without conscious effort, and with a clear recollection of
his attitude when out of it.
On another occasion, when in a London hotel, he awoke
feeling ill  he suffered from a weak heart  and, fainting,
found himself once more floating in the air near the ceiling. As
all his efforts to return to his body were of no avail, he
concluded that he must be dead, though conscious of retaining
all his faculties, but for some reason was unable to leave the
After an hour or two he heard knocking, but the door was
locked, and the porter had to force an entry through the
window. A doctor was summoned, and while under
examination Hymans awoke. He had not noticed, nor been
conscious of, the fluidic cord.
Ralph Shirley recalls a similar experience when he found
himself, while under an anaesthetic at the dentist's, standing
behind the chair in which his physical body lay. The
experience, however, was all too brief, for, while endeavouring
to get his bearings, the effect of the anaesthetic passed off, and
he found himself back again in his normal body.
Mr. Arthur Wills, an architect and C.E. of Chicago,
Illinois, in a letter to Sylvan Muldoon of August nth, 1929,
writes: "All my experiences were involuntary, though I tried
voluntary projection in ignorance of how to go about it.... On
one occasion at a dentist's office, without anaesthetic, as he
drilled into my tooth, the pain became so acute that I actually
'lost myself. Suddenly I found myself looking over the dentist's
shoulder into my mouth."
He recounted also various unconscious projections; once,
when his Double was wandering through an old building
belonging to his firm, the shock of realizing that it was night
sent him back to his body.
Another time, travelling from Davenport to Minneapolis,
he suddenly found himself looking down on his body sleeping
on the seat, and able to see the people behind him as easily as
those in front. He enjoyed the view of his new and beautiful
body which glowed like a luminous and rosy pearl, and could
see "something like an arm" which seemed to merge with the
brain of his physical body. He added that there seemed to be no
procedure by which he could learn to project at will.
After reading Mr. Muldoon's book, he wrote, on
December 15th, 1929: "I have experienced projection
voluntarily of late. I wake in the astral body, fully conscious,
but after the body has projected, and I do not experience the
intermediate stages of which you speak... . If I think
emotionally of my physical self while out, I am instantly back
into it again as a rule.... Have done things while projected
which would be physically impossible, such as defying gravity
and being suspended in mid-air... . As yet I cannot control
circumstances while out. I never know where, who or what I
may contact or observe. I find myself merely a detached
rational intelligence, observing, noting and comparing what is
actually about me.
He was once consciously projected to his sister's house in
England, though aware all the time that his body was in bed in
the U.S.A.
He walked about the rooms and corridors of the house in
which he once had lived, when he found his way barred by
flesh-like arms from going farther. Greatly irritated, he
struggled to pass them, and in the struggle became
Comparing projection with the confusion and disorder of
a dream, he says: "One is quite normal and rational.
Consciousness is not only self-evident, but enlarged, reasoning
faculties are rendered more acute, there is no delusion about
it.... One is never more clear-minded and intelligent than when
That seems to be the unvarying experience of every
projector, once the emotions are controlled or dismissed from
the consciousness.
Here are two projections from accidents.
A friend of Sylvan Muldoon was driving a sleigh, when,
the horses shying at the report of a gun, he was thrown out on
his head. He was at once fully conscious, and astonished to see
his body lying motionless by the side of the road, and the man [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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