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Sad poor-grained structure. The
fingers), I heard an American ask
Polished flesh of some long-dead
a portly Beefeater guard how
Oak, smoothly grainless, was
he liked being on a bottle of gin.
Carved to artificial perfection by
Well, he said, when off-duty.
Some zealous artisan.
Atop Ben Nevis there was
Not alone I stood in the shop,
a monument to the young dead
Clutching my saw and knife in
of World War I. There was also
An all too sweaty hand. I look
a peculiar and anonymous snow bird
At what lies before me, and tremble
peeping low among the stones and
At its pathetic presumption of merit.
the company of clouds was miles and miles.
Shaking, I turn to the light
That pours in
From there I could see
the dead land was far below
Through the window, broken by
in history, like the ruins at Ludlow
The frame and the panes. I turn back
where (so I m told) a lord named Lawrence
To my creation to view it once more.
held his castle carefully at the brambled edge
Outside the sunlight, it lies dead and
of Wales, where one Bertilak and one
Cold, a lifeless bit of wood shaped
Morgan le Fey had their hide-out.
Randomly into the face of a thing
But this was mostly imagination:
I do not know.
there was little to hear since the last thunder of British cannon
Someone Said My Name
Historiographies of the Books of
by Chris Markwyn
a name, subtly carved
the Latter-Day Druids
into the bark of some ancient oak,
now warped and bent
by the ravaging years
It is worth noting than in the originals, I put in pictures, fancy fonts, amus-
a name, engraved on a door ing titles and other items, which would make distribution difficult. They
deep in the dimly lit dungeon have therefore been removed. With the exception of the Book of Paul, all are
of my heart; a chamber sealed authored by Michael Scharding with advice from his friends. This book is
by the weight of years mostly to tell Carleton Druids of their past and to record the events of
Scharding s ArchDruidcy of May 93 to May 94.
a name, whispered in the dark,
written on a crumpled page,
The Book of Introduction
spoken softly in the quiet
As the contents suggest, this book is setting the purpose and mood
hours of life s night
for the collection.
a name unheard for years
The Book of Years
As some of the gaps prove, this was written early in my research on
Reformed Druid history. The titles for their different periods are my
own and are of little relevance to other people.
The Book on John Burridge
During his brief time at Carleton as a staff member, John Burridge
made a lasting impression on the Druid community. This book was
written to honor his memory. The Orange Horse referred to was one
of the focal points of Druid life in the campus. I believe it was torn
down in 1992. It was kitty korner from Berg house.
The Book of Opposition
The atmosphere at Carleton since 1984 was getting more and more
conservative. Incidents of proselytizing increasingly became annoy-
ing to Carleton Druids. Now looking back on this book, I am slightly
embarrassed by my paranoia, but it was the first time that I had ever
been religiously assaulted. Many aspects of my life changed as a re-
sult, and much of my ArchDruidcy after the event was dedicated
towards increasing inter-religious understanding among the Druids.
Most of these precautions listed were commonplace before I came to
Carleton in Fall 1989. I feel that I ve mellowed a bit since then, and
now count it as a moment of enlightenment.
The Book of Post Scripts: Part One
This recounts Carleton s 30th anniversary picnic and ritual held at
Monument Hill. It also recounts the stages preceding the re-estab-
lishment of the official ArchDruidcy. Sam and I became ArchDruids
of Olaf and Carleton, before entering the Third Order (officially)
although we did vigil like Third Orders before the initial assumption
of the Archdruidcies. My official ArchDruidcy began at Andrea s
Third Ordination in June, when she passed the title on to me.
The Book of Paul: Part One
Written by Paul Schmidt, it tells of the special ceremony that we two
performed to give greater strength to the new Third Oak on the Hill
of Three Oaks, to ensure it wouldn t die. It was one of the more
complicated ceremonies I had done up to that point. Paul was a
good preceptor and I always enjoyed his support.
The Book of Haiku
I can t seem to get enough Haiku, and I consider it one of the most
effective ways to teach other Druids. Each is a quick and simple
lesson, with little verbiage. Its tri-fold nature is also dear to my Celtic
A clever pun on the Neo-Pagan term  The Burning Times (the
The Book of Post Scripts: Part One
Inquisition). I assume the place of the Orks is a military base in the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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