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water packed in canned vegetables, or
4. Special preparations for the elderly. Make
stored water. If water pipes are damaged,
every action count. Stay calm and take
shut off the water supply at the main valve.
deep breaths. Keep away from windows or
other glass. Brace yourself in a doorway or 8. Check to see that sewage lines are intact
inside hallway, or lower yourself to the before permitting continued flushing of toilet
floor and slide under a sturdy table. If you
9. Do not eat or drink anything from open
aren't able to get to a safer area, just sit
containers near shattered glass, as they
down wherever you are. Don't try to remain
may contain glass particles. If their use is
standing. If you can't move safely and
essential, such liquids may be strained
quickly, stay where you are even if you are
through folds of a clean handkerchief or
in bed. Try to protect your head and body
with whatever is available--pillows, books,
lap robe, your arms. If you are in a 10. Check chimneys for cracks and damage.
wheelchair, lock your wheel brakes. Do Unnoticed damage could later lead to a
whatever you can to protect yourself until destructive fire. The initial check should be
the shaking stops. If you have pets-- made from a distance. Approach chimneys
particularly a guide or hearing dog--keep with great caution.
them securely harnessed or confined.
11. Check closets and storage shelf areas.
When the quake seems over, call for help
Open closet and cupboard doors carefully
if you need it, and don't give up. Use your
to guard against objects falling.
whistle or flashlight; pound on walls; go to a
safe window and wave a brightly colored, 12. Prepare for possible evacuation. Gather the
highly-visible object. Do anything you can 72-hour kit you have previously assembled.
to attract attention, and don't give up. If your house and utilities are badly
damaged, you may be living in your
backyard or other neighborhood location for
a few days.
1. Check for injuries. Do not attempt to move
13. Check your house or apartment building for
seriously injured persons unless they are in
structural damage and, if deemed
immediate danger of further injury.
necessary, evacuate your family until
authorities declare it safe to return. Stay
2. Check for fires and fire hazards.
out of severely damaged buildings;
3. Wear shoes in all areas near debris or
aftershocks can topple them.
broken glass.
14. Do not heed or spread rumors. They often
4. Check utility lines and appliances for
do great harm following disasters. Stay off
damage. If gas leaks exist, shut off the
the telephone, except to report an
main gas valves. Shut off electrical power
emergency. Turn on your radio and/or
if there is damage to wiring. Do not use
television to get latest emergency bulletins
matches or lighters until it has been
(AM 1160 or Channel 5).
established that there are no gas leaks.
15. Do not go sightseeing immediately in
5. Do not turn light switches on and off. This
areas where buildings have collapsed or
creates sparks which can ignite gas from
where electric wires may be down. Keep
broken lines.
the streets clear for passage of emergency
vehicles. Be prepared for additional
6. Clean up spilled medicines, drugs, and
earthquake shocks.
other potentially harmful materials
16. Respond to requests for assistance from
police, fire fighting, and relief
organizations, but do not go into damaged
areas unless your assistance has been
requested. Cooperate fully with local
17. If power is off, check your freezer and plan
meals to use up foods which will spoil
quickly. Ice crystals remain in the center
of food in a well-stocked freezer for up to
three days. Plan WHAT to take out WHEN
in order to limit the number of times the
freezer is opened. Tape your plan on the
18. Use outdoor charcoal broilers, camping
stoves, or fondue pots for emergency
cooking. Be sure there is adequate
Winter Storms
by low temperatures and by strong winds
bearing large amounts of snow. Most of the
Winter Storms
snow accompanying a blizzard is in the form
of fine, powdery particles of snow which are
The National Weather Service is responsible for
whipped in such great quantities that at
the timely issuance of weather warnings to the
times visibility is only a few yards.
public, including the approach of winter storms.
7. Blizzard warnings are issued when winds
Ice Storm. Freezing rain or drizzle is called
with speeds of at least 35 mph are
an ice storm. Moisture falls in liquid form but
accompanied by considerable falling or
freezes upon impact. The term "heavy" is used
blowing snow and temperatures of 20
to indicate an ice coating sufficiently heavy to
degrees F or lower are expected to prevail
cause significant damage to trees, overhead
for an extended period of time.
wires, and similar objects. Ice storms are
8. Severe blizzard warnings are issued when
sometimes incorrectly referred to as "sleet
blizzards of extreme proportions are
storms." Sleet is identified as frozen raindrops
expected and indicate winds with speeds of
(ice pellets) which bounce when hitting the
at least 45 mph plus a great density of
ground or other objects. Sleet does not stick to
falling or blowing snow and a temperature
trees and wires but sleet in sufficient depth
of 10 degrees F or lower.
does cause hazardous driving conditions.
Cold Wave Warning. This term indicates an
Snow. When used in a forecast, without a
expected rapid fall in temperature within a 24-
qualifying word such as "occasional" or
hour period which will require substantially
"intermittent," snow means that the fall of snow
increased protection for agricultural, industrial,
is of a steady nature and will probably
commercial, and social activities.
continue for several hours without letup.
Hazardous Driving (Travelers) Warning.
1. "Heavy snow warnings" are issued to the
These are issued to indicate that falling,
public when a fall of six inches or more is
blowing or drifting snow, freezing rain or drizzle,
expected in a 12-hour period, or a fall of 10
sleet, or strong winds will make driving difficult.
inches or more is expected in a 24-hour
Stockmen's Warning. This alerts ranchers and
farmers that livestock will require protection
2. Snow flurries are defined as snow falling
from large accumulations of snow or ice, a rapid
for short durations at intermittent periods;
drop in temperature, or strong winds.
however, snowfall during the flurries may
reduce visibility to an eighth of a mile or
Wind Chill Factor. Strong winds combined
less. Accumulations from snow flurries are
with low temperatures cause a very rapid
generally small.
cooling of exposed surfaces. Unprotected
portions of the body, such as the face or
3. Snow squalls are brief, intense falls of snow [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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