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the TV and found TNT; she loved watching Law and Order but never got the chance when Jenny
was around. She had to watch what Jenny wanted and that was always the programs about cops
driving around with a cameraman. She really didn't mind the programs, it was the comments
Jenny made about the cops incompetent ways of handling situations. Jenny thought of herself as
a super cop that could do no wrong.
"OK, everything's in and I'll put your bag in my room, you can sleep there and I'll sleep out here
on the couch." Pez was gone before Shay could argue with her.
"I swear she is the most maddening person at times." She got up on one leg and hopped down the
hall to the small bedroom. "I'm not taking your bed; I can sleep on the couch so just forget it."
She looked around the sparsely furnished room and then to the huge bed that took up most of the
floor. "Ralston, the entire hospital staff could sleep in that bed!"
"I guess your right; I got it because my feet don't hang off the end. Those cots at work kill me."
She sat down on her bed and then fell backwards with a loud groan.
Shay sat down beside her and tapped her on her stomach. "What kind of food did you buy?"
"I got some steaks, pork choppers, ground meat, chicken, fresh veggies, breakfast stuff and
canned foods." She opened one eye and looked into a grinning face. "What?"
"You had this planed from the very beginning didn't you?" She lay down on her side and held
pale blue eyes with her own. "If you hadn't, you would have bought Hungry man nuker meals,
pot pies and cardboard pizza."
"What can I say; my motto is always be prepared." She fluttered her lashes at her. "Will you
cook supper for us?"
"This will be different; I've always cooked just for Jenny."
Pez leaned up onto one elbow. "What do you mean you only cooked for her?"
"I ate after she did, usually the left overs." Tears filled her eyes with the memory. "She said that
because she worked harder than I did, that she was to eat the better food."
Pez moved closer to her and took her in her arms. "Not here you don't, you eat at the same time I
do and we eat the same thing." She placed a kiss on her temple and held her tighter. "You don't
have to cook fancy meals either, I'd be happy with peanut butter and jelly." She held Shay for
long moments until her crying stopped, when she pulled back from her, she wiped the tears from
her eyes. "Come on lets go in the kitchen and you can show me how to not burn every thing."
It was so different for Shay to sit at a kitchen table and eat food with someone, she had gotten
used to eating alone and only having enough food to feed a bird. Jenny kept track of how much
food was in the apartment at all times. She played with the green beans on her plate and felt Pez
place her hand over hers.
"Go ahead and eat tater, if you want more you go ahead and take it. I share what ever I have."
"It's kind of weird you know, since I met you, you've fed me more times than Jenny ever did
when we were dating."
Pez caressed Shay's hand and looked into her eyes. "Can I ask you something personal?"
"Why I let her move in?" She dropped her eyes to her plate and thought for a few minutes before
she raised her head up to met Pez' eyes. "I was lonely, insecure and she never showed any signs
that she would become abusive." She took a deep breath and continued. "I know you've heard
other women say the same thing about not being able to get out of the situation because they
loved their abuser. That's not the case here, I don't love her, never have. She threatened my life if
we ever split up."
"She won't hurt you anymore, I won't let her." She patted Shay's hand and then got up to get the
last steak from the broiler. She cut the steak in half and placed it on their plates. "Did I tell you
what an excellent cook you are?" She gave Shay a blinding smile and patted her hand. "Eat up; I
bought ice cream for afterward."
Shay lost the battle, she was lying in Pez' bed looking out the window by her head and watching
the headlights off in the distance. It was hard to fight someone who could pick you up and carry
you to where ever they wanted you. She grinned at her reflection in the window and yelled for
Pez, she rolled over when she heard her bare feet hitting the wood floor.
"Need something?"
"Yeah what's this right here?" She pointed to her reflection in the window and waited for Pez to
come closer.
"What's what?" She leaned over the bed and looked to where Shay was pointing.
"This right here, you see it?" She grabbed the front of Pez' T-shirt and pulled her into the bed.
"This is me winning the war, now lie down and go to sleep."
Pez rolled over and faced her. "Guess I've been outflanked, I surrender General Tater." She
moved under the blankets and rolled to her back. "If I start to snore, please don't smoother me
with my pillow."
"I won't I'll just elbow you a couple times. Night Ralston."
"Night Tater tot."
In their sleep, they moved towards each other and ended up wrapped in each other's arms. Even
in her sleep, Shay found a security she had been missing her entire life.
Jenny pulled her keys out of her pocket and ended up breaking the key off in the lock when she
tried to force the lock to open. She looked closely at the door handle and dead bolt and noticed
that everything was new. Taking her baton from its hoop on her belt, she pounded on the door
until one of the other occupants opened their door to see what the commotion was about.
"Did you see Dr. Gerard here today?"
"No I just got home about ten minutes ago, sorry." The man quickly closed his door and locked it
against the evil glare his neighbor had given him.
"Like this is going to stop me you little bitch!" She left the hallway and came back ten minutes
later with the crow bar from her car. Slipping the curved end between the door and the frame, she
pried on it until the door gave way and fell open. Throwing her baton on the floor, she stalked
through the apartment slamming the crow bar in her hand. "Come on Shay you can't hide from
me!" She yelled as she searched first the kitchen and then the bedrooms, when she went into the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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