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Fucking great.
Chapter Seven
 Can you believe that guy chucked a beer bottle at Nicky last night? Jesse asked with a
laugh. He covered his mouth like he always had, even though the embarrassing braces had come
off over a year before. Jesse was lying on his stomach on his bed, legs bent at the knees, twirling
a pencil around in his hand. Occasionally he paused to make a random note in the notebook that
rested on the mattress between his elbows.
Shane chuckled at the memory of his brother s stunned face and strummed a few chords
on Jesse s acoustic. He was sitting cross-legged on the carpet, and he craned his neck to look up
at Jesse.
 Nicky shouldn t have yelled  fuck off at him.
Jesse smiled, but he tucked his head down and to the side. Shane knew they were going
to have to work on the self-esteem issues if Jesse wanted to be a rock god.
 I can see why he did it, though. That guy was being a total asshole.
Shane nodded. Jesse was right. He d been heckling them ridiculously, not even listening
to their intro chords before yelling  you suck!
 Guess we won t be playing at that bar again, Shane muttered with a sigh.
 No, we are. Next Wednesday. The owner said some of the regulars are already asking
about us. He asked me to control Nicky, though.
Shane snorted.  I can barely control him, and he s my brother.
 True. Jesse nodded with a shrug and went back to scribbling in his notebook.
Shane strummed a few more chords on Jesse s acoustic, his mind on the past few months.
The local bar scene was brutal. None of them were even old enough to be in most of the venues
they played, and they were rarely allowed to leave the stage area for anything other than to use
the restroom. The audiences were usually about a half step above blatantly rude, and some, like
the previous night s, were just plain awful. But he knew that Luck had to put in their dues.
They d started after a few months practice, playing cover tracks for the school dance and bar
mitzvah scene. That had sucked, and the pay was terrible. Shane and Jesse worked the whole
time, writing their own material and making call after call, trying to break into something real.
They d played a few open mic nights and gotten the attention of a local booker, who d signed
them up at most of the places they were currently playing.
In the two years the band had been together, they d gotten so much better, meshing well
with each other and getting tighter with every performance. They had to work around Jesse s
college classes and Nick s school schedule. There was no way that Shane was going to let his
little brother drop out no matter how many times he begged, and Jesse& well, he would never
even consider it. But Shane knew Jesse thought it was worth it sometimes to stumble into class
tired as hell if they d happened to get a good weekday gig. Shane hoped upon hope that someday
soon their gigs would be stadiums and not seedy bars.
Shane had even been working on Jesse a little bit. He d convinced him to lose the bowl
cut for a bit of a punky spike and talked him into a stylish (and much smaller) pair of glasses.
The pleated khakis Jesse had worn in high school had long since been replaced by jeans, which
were a vast improvement. There wasn t much Shane could do about& well, about the rest of it.
But he didn t see it so much anymore. He saw pretty gray eyes, nice skin, and soft-looking lips,
and there was that voice, which still managed to give him the chills.
Aw, shit& am I into him? No. Not Jesse. Not his nerdy, pudgy best friend. Shane had been
dating. Well, not dating, but screwing around. It was surprisingly easy to find random bar
hookups, even if you were in an underage no-name band that played every Friday night for free
beer and tips. But he d been feeling lately like something was missing. That couldn t be it. Could
 Hey, listen to this. Jesse twisted around so that he was leaning forward halfway off the
bed with his notebook on the ground.  I thought it would be cool if we had an acoustic track,
something pretty.
 Yeah? Let s hear it.
 Start with a B minor chord, then switch to a G. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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