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serrated knife from his rolled up sleeve. He knelt by Dragos  body and tore his t-shirt
open. With a confident grip on the dagger he made an incision below the breast bone. He
reached inside, under the rib cage, and ripped out the heart. It still pumped, slow and
steady, his organ as black as his soul.
I retched. My empty stomach heaved again as the smell reached me.
Tane regarded me.  Well done, Rabbit.
I wiped the spit from my mouth.  Asshole.
A scuffing at the door caught my attention. Eric waited until Tane acknowledged
him with a nod.  The house is secure with his men s assistance. He pointed to Colby.
 Good, toss me the head. The fireplace ignited with flames high enough to lick at
the mantle.
I jumped at the sight and Rurik tightened his hold on me.
Eric tossed the head to Tane who waited by the fire with the heart. He dropped both
in. The flames died down to just the small intense blue ones as if afraid to touch the flesh.
Tane growled and closed his eyes.  Don t be so stubborn, Dragos. You ve lost, your
reign is over. He spoke as if Dragos could hear. The flames returned with new vigor and
a dark smoke leaked into the room.
Good riddance. We won, the thought sank in and I twisted to smile at Rurik.
Somehow we prevailed against the dark god of old. Even though our relationship was
only days old, we d both been willing to risk our lives for each other, those acts spoke
volumes. He never needed to tell me how much he loved me, he d shown me.
We all watched fire. For what, I m not sure. Maybe for Dragos  ghost to appear or
his decapitated body to rise. Neither happened.
Instead, Red stomped into the room.  What the fuck is goin  on around here? He
glanced at my blood stained lips.  Colby, you lettin  her drink from that thing? He
loomed over everyone, a bandage on one arm and a machete in the other.
Rurik backed away from the two experienced slayers with me clasped in his arms.
Both of them followed.
 I want to stay with him. Red you promised me. I pointedly looked in Tane s
direction.  You should go. Get the team out.
 You re part of that team. Colby didn t budge.
 Not anymore. I slid my hand up Rurik s healed chest.  I ve been compromised.
Colby s eyes swam with sorrow. He understood. It was the biggest risk to being bait,
to get caught.  Damn.
* * * * *
Chapter Thirty
I don t mind the sun sometimes and watched the last of its rays dance on the horizon
before the night tucked them in for bed. The sky darkened but the city s golden lights
held back my gloom. I loved Budapest.
A wall of overstuffed pillows surrounded me and I snuggled deeper into the blankets.
I could sleep for a week. Some of the bedding accompanied Rurik to the bathroom with
the dawn. Coffins made sense now that I tucked him into a tub twice since we ve met. A
bedroom with no windows would be nice but not common.
The bathroom door opened and the subject of my thoughts strutted across the room
naked. Lean and graceful muscles moved below his pale skin. His black thick hair curled
around his ears. The wounds were all healed, not even a scar. I could watch him all day.
He slid under the warm covers and wrapped me in his arms.  I can get use to this.
 Sleeping in tubs?
He gave a low, deep chuckle.  No, having a warm naked body to curl next to when I
wake. He nuzzled my earlobe and it shot sparks of desire straight to my core.  Did you
sleep well?
His voice caressed something needy and hurt inside of me.  I m glad I fed before the
dawn. I don t think I could have resisted you.
 No feedings for awhile. I cleared my throat and shifted in his arms. Dragos tainted
that for me. The physical pains of my bite would fade with time but the emotional scars
he reopened frightened me. It took so much energy to heal them the first time.
Rurik brushed his lips on my cheeks.  You re not alone anymore. I m here for you.
No feeding, no mental touches until you re ready.
The concern in his voice soothed the raw tender bits of my soul. He really would
wait and support me. Never leave me alone. I touched his chin and drew him close.  I
love you.
Those magical words brought beautiful warmth to his wintry eyes.  I love you too,
my Rabbit.
 Just your Rabbit. No one else can call me that. Not even that bastard Tane. If an
eternity passes it will still be too soon for me to see him again. I wanted to spend the
night like this, just the two of us, no emergencies, fights, or Nosferatu.
 You rescued me from the darkness, after I lost consciousness. Where were we?
 Close to your end, I think. I ve never been before, I followed you there. He
touched his lips to mine and gave me slow, gentle kisses taking his time to savor each
touch.  After only five nights, I found myself willing to battle death himself for you. He
raised himself on his elbow, concern pulled at the corners of his eyes.  You are staying
with me?
Budapest s sexiest creature wore his insecurities on his sleeve. The idea of teasing
him tempted me but after all the lies I d told we needed a fresh honest start.  Yes, as long
as we can be together. I want you to know from this day forward you are my number one
confidante. No more deceiving, I swear. I placed my hand over my heart next to the
healed love bite Rurik had given me.
He touched the little circular scars.  I know but what do you mean by as long as we
can? What would stop us? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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