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 I suppose we have to consider that eventuality and the possibility of failure. What does your
instinct tell you?
Jonty wrinkled his brow in thought then got up to look out of the window at the sea, something which
always both reassured and inspired him. He thought for a few minutes then turned, beaming, to his father.
 It tells me that there s something fishy going on somewhere and we re soon going to make a
breakthrough. But don t tell Orlando I said so, I ll be told off for excess of subjectivity. And don t go
bothering looking at anyone else s writing. I ve decided it s not worth it.
 Why have you made that momentous decision, child?
 Because if I wrote a warning note I d disguise my handwriting and I can t believe anyone else would
be stupid enough not to do the same.

Orlando wasn t concerned, at that moment, with anything bar his four o clock dancing class. Strictly,
it had been John Wickham s turn to preside, but he had a terrible cold and  Oliver had suggested he go
back to bed to preserve his strength for the evening. Orlando s motives hadn t been entirely altruistic a
Mrs. Southwell, with whom he had been dancing the night before, had twin four-year-olds who were taking
part in the lesson. She, her children and their governess were staying in Kent while her husband was in
London on business, being keen to keep the children out of the capital and in sight of the sea. Originally
from Philadelphia, they were en route to a short tour of Europe which was being tacked onto matters of
business. Mrs. Southwell had struck Orlando as being sensible and demure, but it had been a chance remark
that had made him want to talk to her some more.
Generally, the women he d danced with had been happy to chat with him and on the occasions when
he d alluded to the unfortunate lady who d died not long before, the usual response had been to give him a
knowing look and a sigh, both implying that he was an innocent lad who didn t know the half of it. No one
had been brave enough to tell him the other half of it yet and he was losing hope.
While  Mr. Carberry was dancing with Mrs. Southwell, he d mentioned he d heard the hotel had
been represented at a funeral of one of the former guests, and how sad everyone must have been for such a
popular person to have passed on so suddenly.
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Lessons in Seduction
Mrs. Southwell had expressed her sympathy and also mentioned, quite naturally and with little sign of
an ulterior motive, that she d heard there d been some doubt about the cause of death.  Oliver had
expressed his surprise, leading his partner to divulge what she knew.
 Well, Mr. Carberry, it seems fairly common knowledge among the guests that Lady Jennifer was
murdered, even if the police are pretending she wasn t. And what s more, someone else suspects it. I ve
heard them say& 
At that supremely inconvenient juncture the music had stopped and  Oliver had been forced to bow
politely, gritting his teeth at the unfortunate timing, and join his partner for the next dance. At the class,
Mrs. Southwell seemed to pick up the conversation in mid flow as if there d never been a gap of nearly a
 As I was saying last night, Mr. Carberry, someone else knows something about that poor lady and
they want it looked into. They were taking a break for tea and cakes, which Orlando hoped would be both
a prolonged and fruitful one.  You might not believe this, but  she lowered her voice and raised
Orlando s hopes,   there are private detectives at work here.
Orlando tried hard not to show his disappointment. This, which was probably  the half of it he hadn t
been privy to, was hardly news to him.  Never! I ve read of such things in books, naturally, but that can t
be the case in real life, surely? He tried to look as stern as possible and the hearts of all the ladies in the
vicinity began to melt.
 Why, it is, I assure you. And what s more they know who it is. Mrs. Southwell didn t say who they
were but Orlando assumed it was the more gossipy members among the guest fraternity. Or sisterhood.
 And the detectives are members of your aristocracy. She nodded her head as if that set a seal on the
matter, her eyes bright.  I can t believe your wonderful English class system would permit such a thing. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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