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bed. When he looked back at Jacob, his muscles were tensed and he
was wincing. He d never seen anyone look so uncomfortable. It was
as if Alex was about to confess to being a serial rapist or psycho
killer, but instead he closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and said,
 I m kind of& into that.
He only opened one eye to gauge Jacob s reaction, as if he
couldn t bear to see it with both. Jacob shrugged.  Okay, so& ?
 So it s fucked up! And I don t think I can  open up or whatever
without trying to&  He growled with frustration.  And obviously I
don t want to hurt you or make you do something you don t want
Jacob raised an eyebrow.  Who said I don t want to 
 Honestly, angel? You really don t seem like the type.
Jacob pursed his lips in thought. True, it wasn t like BDSM had
entered into any of his past relationships, but that didn t mean he
wasn t curious. Especially now that he had someone like Alex to take
charge of him. Someone strong, dominant, sexy& He shook his head
Jacob at the Break of Dawn 59
to clear it of the thought. That line of thinking wasn t going to deliver
him anything but a stiff dick.
 Maybe not, but that doesn t mean I wouldn t give it a try, Jacob
protested. His cock, in particular, seemed pleased with the idea.
 Anyway, I doubt you d hurt me or anything. It s not like you don t
know what you re doing, right?
Alex s eyes hardened.  I know what I m doing. I just don t know
how I feel about it. All the other guys I ve done this with, they were
just strangers. I didn t know anything about them other than that they
wanted to be dominated. I don t want to do any of the screwed-up
stuff I ve done with someone I actually care about.
Jacob couldn t help but smile at the way Alex had confessed to
caring about him. He considered what Alex had said.  Screwed up
 Can we please not talk about this?
 I mean, are you just talking about bondage and spanking, or was
there like  The growl that escaped Alex s lips stopped Jacob from
taking that thought any further.  Okay, okay. Still, he had to ask.
 But& I mean, they liked it, right?
 Yeah, but 
 And you liked it?
Alex looked at Jacob, his handsome face marred by guilt and
embarrassment. Try as he might, Jacob couldn t figure out why
Alex s desires seemed to upset him so much, but it certainly seemed
like a sore spot.  It s sick. And weird. And I don t want to like it,
Alex finally said,  but& damn it, I m screwed up, okay? I don t want
to screw you up, too. You re too&  His brow furrowed, as if looking
for the right euphemism.
Jacob bit his lip. He had a feeling he already knew what Alex was
going for.  Weak? he said, supplying the word for him.
Jacob was surprised when Alex shook his head no.  You re too
perfect, angel.
60 Ellen Ginsberg
Jacob certainly hadn t expected that. A smile crept across his face
at the endearment.  Angel, he repeated.  Why do you call me that?
Alex shrugged, leaning over him to brush his hair off his forehead.
 Because you are, he said.
Jacob s eyes closed involuntarily at the words, but when he
opened them, his mate s were full of worry again. Before he could ask
what was wrong, Alex s fingertips gently grazed the deep, bandaged
gash his bangs had been hiding.
 Saw that, huh? Alex nodded. His lips were pressed together so
tightly, Jacob doubted he could have responded if he wanted to.  I m
fine. Trust me.
 I don t want you going back through that planesgate. It s too
Jacob bit his tongue. Alex was right. Even if Ben s injuries hadn t
exactly stemmed from planeswalking, crossing the gate was
dangerous. It wouldn t do anyone any good if he killed himself trying
to do it, but Morgana needed Ben. Fuck, he needed Ben if he ever
planned on returning to his home plane. He could hide out on Earth a
while, but if he waited too long, the planesgate could close, and he
didn t know how long it would be before it opened again. It seemed
like the Craven family had been waiting for a very long time for
someone to cross it and find them here.
 I have to go back sometime, he said slowly,  but I can t do
much until Ben s awake. Or healed, for that matter. I don t want to
hurt him any more than I have.
 You never think of yourself, do you? Alex asked. His eyes were
big and round as they stared into his.
 Maybe not. Jacob smiled. He liked the way his mate was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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