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DRAGON Envy 144
 So when she couldn t have the Queen she went after the future Prince and when
that didn t work& she came after me. I finished his story for him.  And this story is
going to have a happy ending. If Owen will assist me? I replied and he nodded and
held out his hand for me.
 How would you like to do this Lexi? He asked calmly.
 I think& I think I d like to try what I did with Stela& though it just seems wrong
to do that to my Grandfather. I replied and winced when he nodded thoughtfully. And
if that does not work& then perhaps you can assist me with what we did before?
 Actually& you did it. He informed me.  I merely held your hand and directed
the energy.
I clutched at his arm and stared down at the floor.  Owen sweetie& this is not the
time to shock and awe me. I informed him in a strangled voice while he patted my hand
and rumbled deep in his throat.
 I am sorry. He replied and placed his hand over mine while I sucked air into
my lungs and watched the black spots at the edge of my vision disappear.
 Can we just move this along? I d like to go home. I believe the Council is
coming soon and Gareth and Jace need to get back. Who knows what Valentine has been
up to while we ve been gone?
 Certainly. Owen replied.
 Owen..? I asked cautiously.
 Did anyone feel what I did to& Stela when I placed my hands on the throne? I
asked softly and he nodded.  Dane and Roa both had to be restrained but that was all.
He replied although he frowned then added.  Actually, one of Tdem s guards collapsed
to a knee and the other two& .seemed to stagger but remained upright. I do not think the
King noticed, but I was standing behind them and did.
 Dane and Roa are both hybrids and can sense but not duplicate my shield
though I can speak to them through it. And my eyes turned to Stela thoughtfully.  Stela
also hears me behind my shield. I remarked calmly then dropped my shield and called
By Kelly Armenta Copyright © 2007
DRAGON Envy 145
for Kit. He glanced between me and the Queen then bowed at the waist and excused
himself. He walked quickly to my side and glanced at the three of us before his eyes
settled on me.
 Mistress? He asked tightly as he came to an abrupt halt in front of me. His hair
whispered around him, the silver tips dancing briefly then settling.
 You are still angry with me? I asked and he nodded briefly and folded his arms
over his chest.  And how long will you remain angry with me? I asked softly and
leaned toward him while he frowned and his red eyes narrowed.
 Until we kiss and make up. He replied then added.  Which judging from the
speed at which you seem to be gathering men& might be some time from now.
I removed my hand from Owen and stepped toward Kit my wickedly beautiful
Demon. My fingers reached for a handful of his hair which I lifted to my lips while he
watched me closely. He smelled of cloves and I leaned into him, placing a palm upon his
chest so I might breathe him in.  We could do it now. I offered and he raised an
eyebrow and stared down at me.
 If I touch you now, he informed me.  I will not be stopping with a simple kiss.
Perhaps you should finish whatever it is you are doing here so we might go somewhere
and discuss it privately. He replied and I sighed and stepped back from him. Owen held
out his hand for me and I grasped it gently.
 Your job is to ensure Stela doesn t attack me while I m working. I informed
Kit while he frowned and glanced at Stela who was looking as if he d swallowed his
tongue. I lifted an eyebrow at Kit and asked.  Unless you don t think you can handle
that either and would like me to get Cursed up here or perhaps Lira and Roral?
Kit pulled back his lips from his teeth and growled at me, his merlot colored eyes
nearly snapping.  You shouldn t be out in public like this Mistress. He informed me.
 So why don t we both do what we must so you can be& seen to. I believe its Talon s
turn next. He replied in a nasty voice.
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DRAGON Envy 146
 I d take Roa before I let Talon touch me again. I muttered right back at him
and Stela looked between us and held his tongue though his eyes widened in surprise and
perhaps delight.
 Too bad for you he hasn t declared. Kit replied then pulled himself upright and
gave me a nonchalant look while my eyes slid to Stela who glanced back at me with a
look that said he was all too happy to assist me with whatever I required. Apparently that
annoyed Kit who added.  Well aren t you the fickle one. Perhaps we should wake
Marcus& .we ve been here over a week and you haven t even asked to see him yet. Are
you too good for the youngsters now?
I sucked air in through my teeth and glared at him.  You know Kit&  I growled
while Owen shifted at my side.  That might not be such a bad idea. And his eyes
tightened and his lips pressed together angrily.
 Fine. He growled and snapped his fingers while I watched in horror as a red
haze appeared beside us and Marcus was suddenly standing in front of me.
 Damn you Kit. I growled while Marcus took one look at me and wrapped his
arms about my waist and yanked me to his chest. Owen made a low noise and let go of
my hand while Stela stood uncertainly his light bronze eyes irritated.
 Who is this Marcus? Stela demanded and Kit cupped his chin in his hand and
watched Marcus try to devour me. His eyes were still angry and he didn t offer me any
 One of her hybrids. My Mistress put him here on ice because he s somehow
managed to enslave himself to a Master Vampire and this was the only place where
Valentine couldn t get his claws back into him.
 He is part of her Court? Stela demanded angrily.
 Not yet. But he will be& once The Mistress Father gets a hold of him. Junior
here was raised by a very angry Red Dragoness named Belinda who& doesn t much care
for my Mistress. Of course the woman is insane so& that just might be normal for her.
 He was raised by a female? Stela demanded in shock, and I couldn t see his
response but Kit must have nodded because Stela let loose with several very foul Elven
By Kelly Armenta Copyright © 2007
DRAGON Envy 147
words which I& had never heard strung together in such a way.  So was Dane& but
don t let that sour you on him. My Mistress was raised by her Mother also. I lost the
rest of the conversation then because Marcus became even more demanding and given
the state I was currently in I was having a hard time getting him off me.
At my wits end, I slammed my shield closed again and screamed at Marcus to
stop. Apparently he got the message because he finally pulled back enough for me to
breathe. He didn t want to let go of me and it took several minutes of threatening before
he finally released me. I moved back out of range and directly into Owen s arms.
 Princess. Marcus greeted me and I could tell he was having a hard time
keeping himself from reaching for me again.  Or should I say& Your Majesty? And he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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