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her hand. The shapely blonde woman sensed his sudden need and victoriously encircled his long thick
cock with her fingers, squeezing and releasing its pulsing girth until he groaned with pleasure.
Dolores felt this hand reach back then to smooth her soft inner thigh with his calloused palm, his fingers
tiptoeing higher like little mice to search in the moist crevice of her vaginal slit for the entrance up into her
hungry belly. She moved her feet wider apart to grant him the access he wanted and flexed slightly
forward to nibble at his roving fingers with the clenching lips of her voracious cunt, trying to trap him
between the wet vibrating folds and suck them inside her.
"Yesss, there ... but deeper, darling, deeper," the older woman instructed him, as she felt his middle
finger bend and hook upward inside her, the tip worming into the soft walls of her moist pussy. The
blonde wife gasped aloud and pushed forward against him, her entire torso convulsing with an answering
response of luxurious sensuality that brought a deep moan of open approval from her wet parted lips.
She clamped her oozing vaginal walls greedily around the finger, pulling slightly backward until she gave
a short thrust forward to engulf it almost two inches past the second knuckle. She clenched her receptive
cunt even tighter then, squeezing and flexing her well-trained muscles as her entire lower torso began to
jerk and gyrate rapidly in a wild attempt to make the thrilling finger stab deeper up into her demanding
hair-fringed opening. She could feel the juices seeping out of her to coat the palm of his hand with a
sticky film of moisture.
Dolores had tilted the balance of power with the invincible force and weight of her fully matured lust and
her tall, good-looking employee had no choice but to answer her challenge with every iota of male
energy at his command. She wanted everything, every atom of his strength, and nothing less would
Suddenly there was a high-pitched moan from inside the study, a sound so insistent and urgent that even
Dolores was momentarily interrupted in her passionate quest for sexual fulfillment.... The squirming
blonde and her brunette young stud came to an abrupt stand-still as they stood in the exact center of the
doorway and watched Nadalee's head toss violently from side to side, her long copper-red hair churning
like wildfire on the leather back of the couch. She was in the beginning throes of orgasm and fucked her
buttocks frantically up against the monstrous dog like a teen-aged tigress gone berserk. The gigantic
German Shepherd's tongue lolled out of his mouth as he humped forward into her passion-drenched
cunt, saliva dripping from the red spear down onto the sweat on her heaving breasts, mingling with it to
stream down the quaking slope of her diaphragm and pool around her navel.
Suddenly, Nadalee screamed and rammed up against Buck's belly just as he lurched forward and his
cock began to jerk out its hot sticky sperm in hard spurts deep in her ravaged pussy. The pretty young
wife's hindquarters began to pitch and toss crazily, signaling her own orgasmic upheaval deep in her
quivering white belly. Thick white liquid oozed from the tightness of her vagina where it clasped and
sucked at the erupting prick, soaking her backside and the crevice between her milky white legs as she
groaned loudly and humped forward to drive the dog's cock deep into her stomach for the last time. The
still-spewing length of red hardness lay buried completely for another few seconds as Buck whined and
shuddered, his lower body jolting helplessly forward as the dregs of his animal sperm splashed against
the lusciously beautiful girl's tender womb.
The satiated dog withdrew his deflating prick with a wet popping sound that filled the plush study and left
her delicious animal-fucked cunt nakedly exposed to the sudden rush of cool air that laved it refreshingly.
Nadalee seemed almost unconscious for a moment as thin trails of the sticky white fluid ran down the
silken creamy insides of her lewdly splayed-open thighs to form a jelly-like puddle on the cushion
beneath her. Buck loomed over her a short while longer, wagging his tail in obvious appreciation. Finally,
the enormous beast dropped down to the floor on all fours again, leaving her mauled, cum-soaked
vagina clearly visible for all to see. Newton watched the German Shepherd as, in a last act of obscene
depravity, he dropped his muzzle between her wide-spread legs and lapped at the viscous animal sperm
still oozing from her battered, quivering pussy. He gulped at it thirstily until eventually there was no more
and then he turned as though from a meal he had just finished to lumber across the study.
"Well, son, I see you brought my tobacco. Thanks for waiting," George said suddenly in an expansive
tone of voice, a little grin of amusement twisting his lips.
"Yes, I ... did," Newton confirmed, his masculine face tremulous with
aroused desire and uncertainty. "It's a little after twelve-thirty now
... but you ... you were-"
"Never mind, son, never mind. You got here and that's the important thing," the millionaire soothed,
swaying his large frame slightly as he spoke. It was hard for Newton to tell if George Blackwell was
actually oblivious to the real meaning of what had just happened or whether the shrewd man was
conniving and making a pretense of innocence. Whatever, the handsome brown-haired husband felt a
faint sick qualm of despair at the loss of his absolute trust in the wealthy man. It seemed as though the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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