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of effort and the reaping of misfortune. Even when I burnt myself several times, I did not want to stop because I
could not imagine that such a man could have written and published so many untested things - especially because he
examined and severely censured other men's works.
What I found to be true, however, is very little, and my Vulcan (fire) would in no way go along with such precepts.
Therefore, I did not obtain enough to bring forth a louse. Of such writers there are more. They write either too
obscurely or in a veiled manner, so that even Oedipus could not guess their meaning, or their processes have only
sprung from their own brain and have never been tested. This has spoiled many a natural talent and scared it from
working in the laboratory. It would be better if they stopped writing.
So that the beginning laboratory worker and kind reader do not also waste work, time, and money, as I did, I will
here indicate a process which I have worked with my own hands and also found good for my patients in many
sicknesses. Just as in the following processes I will not present anything that I have not performed myself, assisted
by my collaborators. I will honestly report what they accomplished in various diseases, hoping that young students
about to begin their practice will be greatly served by it. I do not remember that similar book with such a method has
seen the light of day, for in the practice one can see what a specific medicine can do. Now we will proceed with our
process for making potable gold.
Take some of the best purified gold, as much as you like, have a goldsmith laminate it very thin, the thinner the
better. Cut it as big as a Thaler (old coin like the Dollar), the cut round pieces from a stag's antlers, as big and thick
as half a Thaler, take a cement can no wider than the pieces of antlers or half a Thaler, so that only the pieces fit in.
One can also make it of good clay, as one pleases. At the bottom of the can put one finger's width of sand or
gypsum, which is better. On it put a piece of antlers, upon that a piece of your gold, above it again a piece of antlers,
then again gold. Put everything layer upon layer, as the chymists say, till the can is full or till you have used all your
gold. Again, put gypsum upon it till the can is quite full, close the can with good lute, let it dry, then set it in a
medium strong cementing fire, at first very gentle, then finally so strong that the can will well glow for one hour or
four. Let it cool, open the can, and you will find the gold calcined almost flesh-colored.
This work must be repeated three times. The gold will become quite soft and can be pounded and rubbed. Now mix
it with calcined antlers and reverberate it on a cupel but not too strongly, for a whole day. The gold will turn almost
the color of bricks. Then it is correctly and well calcined, and you may be sure that you cannot get a better
calcination. It will become so subtle that it can easily be used in medicines for several sicknesses without any further
preparation, for this calx is sweet and not contaminated by any corrosives.
Upon this beautiful pure calx pour the following prepared menstruum. It will extract its tincture in a few hours like
blood, leaving its metallic slime behind. Pour the menstruum off, pour fresh one upon it till all of the tincture is
extracted and nothing but a dead earth is left. Nor is that to be thrown out, because it has a special power for drying
and cleansing all discharging damages, so that they heal all the sooner. Distill your menstruum down to dryness
through sand, and a purple-colored tincture will be left in the glass. Upon that pour a good spirit of wine. How that is
to be correctly prepared will be found further on in the Treatise on Tartar. Better, use some quintessence of salt.
How to make that will also be taught under its title. Set it closed to digest and it will extract a yet purer tincture.
Distill the spirit of wine to half, and you will have a wonderful potable gold. Or, if you pour some quintessence of
salt over it, you can leave it such as, without distilling it and use it as a medicine, because the essence of salt is by
itself a fine medicine, also without gold, as will also be shown in its proper place.
Even if this potable gold is one of the best kinds there are and does its share with glory in many sicknesses, it can
still be processed higher, so that one grain accomplishes more than ten do otherwise. Although this preparation looks
bad, it is quite philosophical, and as can be seen, does not contain anything corrosive. Neither Salt, Mercury nor
Sulphur is added to this calcination, and although it is said that the volatile salt of stag's antlers (carbonate of
ammonia) calcines gold, it is true but is no harmful corrosive. By itself it is a wonderful poison-eliminating
medicine, which can be taken into the body without harm or damage. In addition, it does not mix with gold in such a
way as to stay with it, as the corrosive spirits are want to do - which may be seen by its taste and weight - but the
glowing disappears, leaving the gold behind pure and only calcined. I am of opinion that a better calcination cannot
be found in the common works than this. Therefore a student may follow it quite assuredly, provided he knows just
a little of how to deal with the fire, so as not to make it too hot and smelt the gold into a Body. If he did, all his work
and trouble would be lost. If he prevents the smelting, he has already won, and thereafter the subsequent work will
proceed without trouble and hindrance.
How this potable gold is to be heightened in its virtue, I will also show. Whoever cares, can do it, he will not regret
it. Although it requires some time, it is yet a wonderful work and help in need. Therefore the physicians can see
hereby how sincerely I am operating and that I do not hide the manipulations needed to obtain such a medicine or, as
others do, withhold what is most necessary and keep silent about it.
Take therefore 1 lb. of the best purified live Mercury (how it has to be prepared will subsequently also be indicated
in its chapter), pour over it 1 lb. of the best rectified oil of vitriol, let it digest closed till the Mercury is altogether
dissolved. Distill the oil from it quite strongly and finally give it so much fire that it can sublimate up, then it will
rise very white and crystalline. Some black feces will be left at the bottom of the glass. Pour those off as they are
good for nothing, remove the sublimate, put it back in a retort and pour the oil of vitriol over it. Let it dissolve again,
and when this is done, again distill the oil off it and sublimate the Mercury. It will rise even more beautifully than [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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