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come here. But the nature of his search this time threw obstacles before him
and made resistance strong. The charm must be won through difficulties.
At last he found the nexus of webs he sought. It was inhabited by supernatural
dancing lights. Tyrus borrowed two of these and rose up slowly to awareness,
evading numerous traps of challenging sorcery.
He was beside Erejzan and Jathelle, by the camp-fire. The copper lights lay in
his hand. Jathelle stared at them in amazement. As she started to touch them
curiously, the lights changed and became odd-shaped flowers with curling
orange petals and black stems. Tyrus smiled and said, "Do not think me
impolite, LaRenya, but these are not for you." He thrust one of the flowers at
Erejzan, forcing the acrobat's limp ringers around the stem.
Listlessly, Erejzan sniffed at the flower, as Tyrus was doing with the one he
had kept. A peculiar expression crossed the acrobat's face, an imitation of
Tyrus' own relieved reaction. Pain and fatigue melted, strength and relaxation
racing through their veins and sinews.
"An unworldly fragrance, this," Jathelle murmured. She seemed to know this was
something Tyrus did not want to share with the others.
"Magic to heal magic. My own magic, in this case," Tyrus explained.
"As you healed my people and the bandits who had been wounded by demons. But
you did that with strange words and gestures. This was&
those were the same copper lights that played among the puppets during your
amusements in the bazaar," Jathelle said.
Tyrus took the flower from Erejzan, and that and his own converted again into
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coppery lights. He closed his hand; when he opened it, the lights were gone,
sent to the world of webs till they should be needed once more. Jathelle
gasped, then looked thoughtfully at Tyrus and Erejzan.
"You are refreshed, and so quickly!"
"At some cost," Erejzan chided Tyrus.
"It was necessary, my friend." Tyrus kept his voice low so that only the
acrobat and Jathelle could hear him. "This was to cure sorcery I cast upon us
earlier." He described the frantic race he and Erejzan had run to Drita
Meadows. Jathelle was much moved that they had punished themselves so brutally
in an attempt to save her from Vraduir. At the conclusion, Tyrus said, "This
is a different sort of healing, true, from that I used to heal your nobles and
servants. Then I was countering Vraduir's charms, which were mixed with the
powers of Bogotana and Nidil."
"Gods of evil and death," Jathelle said, shivering. Tyrus crossed his arms
atop his drawn-up knees and said somberly, "It is so. The smaller imps were
Vraduir's slaves, bought from Bogotana. My people died to purchase those
slaves. The wounds they gave will heal slowly under your surgeons' care but
they will heal, now that I have treated them. As for the skeleton warriors'
dealings, I do not know if my incantations can cure those hurts. I have never
dealt with true Death God's creatures before."
There was a long silence. Tyrus did not enter Ja-thelle's mind, but he sensed
she was following him, making startling leaps in understanding for one who had
never encountered genuine sorkra before yesterday. After a time she said, "Now
I begin to see why you did not want us to come. You could have stopped us,
with your wizardry."
"Perhaps," Tyrus said offhandedly. Erejzan's eyelids were drooping.
"That is not Tyrus' way," he muttered.
Jathelle nodded, grateful. "I see that, too. Whatever happens, you must save
your strongest skills for yourself, Tyrus."
"As often I tell him," Erejzan agreed, muffling a yawn.
"Wisely! Tyrus must leave us all to our fate, if doing so will save Ilissa and
bring down this Vraduir," Jathelle said tensely.
Erejzan had sunk down, curling up in his cloak, already asleep. That same
sleep lapped at the edges of Tyros' will, but he would not yield.
Jathelle had captured him with her emotions and eyes, holding him fast.
Firelight flowed over her face and golden braids. She laid her hands over his
and the touch sent a languid, soothing wave up Tyrus' arms to his heart. "Rest [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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