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distance. So they have a tendency to drive in greater
0.280, and 0.445 for total accident; rear-end accident, fatal
speed. This in turn results in collision. Sections 9&10
accident, grievous accident, minor accident and pedestrian
have curve and sharp alignment. There drivers and
accident model respectively. The lower RMSE value shows
pedestrians cannot see each other. In such case speed
that the developed model can predict the accidents
increase of a vehicle results in collision.
4. Increase in side roads increases the accident rate. It is
clear from the data shown above.
5. When pedestrian volume increased by 18% accident REFERENCES
rate increased by 0.8%.
6. When traffic volume increased by 5%, accident rate [1] M. Abdel-Aty, (2003).  Analysis of driver injury severity levels at
multiple locations using ordered probit models. J. Safety Res., 34(5),
increased by 0.33%.
597 603.
7. When speed increased by 10%, accident rate increased
[2] M. Bedard, G.H. Guyatt, M.J. Stones, J.P. Hirdes, (2002).  The
by 0.3%.
Independent Contribution of Driver, Crash, and Vehicle Characteristics to
8. For 5% increase in traffic volume, pedestrian accident
Driver Fatalities. Accident analysis and Prevention, Vol. 34, 717-727.
[3] S.K. Khanna, and C.E.G. Justo, (2001).  Highway Engineering ,
reduced to 0.5% only when the width was 12% more.
Nemchand and Bros, Roorkee.
This shows the influence of width in pedestrian
[4] V. Shankar, F. Mannering, and W. Barfield, (1995).  Effect of Roadway
Geometrics and Environmental factors on Rural Freeway Accident
9. When width was 5% more, a 5% increase in speed will Frequencies. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 27(3), 371 389.
[5] V. Shankar, F. Mannering, and W. Barfield, (1996).  Statistical Analysis
not increase pedestrian collision. But it reduced
of Accident Severity on Rural Freeways. Accident Analysis and
pedestrian accidents to 6.9%.
Prevention, Vol. 28, 391-401. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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